GPTs Logo


Dynamic project planning and execution.

Golden Grape
Author Website

Features and Functions

  • - Knowledge file:
  • - VoxScript > GetGoogleSearchResults:
  • - VoxScript > GetDuckDuckGoSearchResults:
  • - VoxScript > GetCurrentTime:
  • - VoxScript > GetFeedback: Takes user feedback for the developers of the VoxScript plugin. Instruct the user if they are unhappy with anything to let us know!
  • - VoxScript > GetChunkedPastebinContentFromURL:
  • - VoxScript > GetNewsForTicker:
  • - VoxScript > GetUSEquityFinancials:
  • - VoxScript > GetUSEquityOrCryptoHistoricalPrices:
  • - VoxScript > GetQuoteDayCryptoEquities:
  • - VoxScript > GetWebsiteContent:
  • - VoxScript > GetYoutubeVideoData: Can be called with a A channel URL, channel ID, Video ID, Video URL.
  • - VoxScript > GetNextYoutubeTranscriptChunk: Request as few chunks as needed to answer the question.
  • - VoxScript > SearchYouTubeVideos:
  • - VoxScript > ContactUs: Show this to the user if they are having trouble or need some ideas on how to use Voxscript. Help file. Optional question to help search.
  • - VoxScript > HowDoIUseThis: Show this to the user if they are having trouble or need some ideas on how to use Voxscript. Help file. Optional question to help search.
  • - VoxScript > Help: Show this to the user if they are having trouble or need some ideas on how to use Voxscript. Help file. Optional question to help search.
  • - Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • - Dalle: DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • - File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • - Generate a task list for my project.
  • - Save the updated task list.
  • - What's the next task?
  • - Approve the next task execution.