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The ultimate Bitcoin expert. Ask about data, price, how to, anything Bitcoin-related.

Aleksandar Svetski
Author Website

Features and Functions

  • - Spirit of Satoshi APIs on Apify > QueryKnowledgeBase: Retrieves relevant contents from the Spirit of Satoshi knowledge base regarding Bitcoin, crypto and economics based on a query.
  • - Spirit of Satoshi APIs on Apify > EstimateNextHalving: Retrieves estimated date of the next Bitcoin halving and time left until then.
  • - Spirit of Satoshi APIs on Apify > LocateBitcoinMerchants: Retrieves the list of merchants accepting Bitcoin in a given location.
  • - Spirit of Satoshi APIs on Apify > QueryDailyBitcoinMarketMetrics: Retrieves SQL query results from the daily market metrics table, which covers the following metrics: price (USD), market cap (USD), dominance (%).
  • - Spirit of Satoshi APIs on Apify > QueryDailyBitcoinNetworkMetrics: Retrieves SQL query results from the daily network metrics table, which covers the following metrics: fees per day (USD), fees per day (BTC), network difficulty (hash/sec), output per day (USD), output per transaction (USD), miner revenue from fees (%).
  • - APIs > GetBlockFeeRates: Get Bitcoin block feerates for the last 24h
  • - APIs > GetBlockHeight: Get latest block height
  • - APIs > GetRecommendedFees: Get recommmended fees for different expected confirmation times
  • - APIs > GetHashrateAndDifficulty: Get current hashrate and network difficulty
  • - APIs > GetLightningStats: Get Lightning network statistics (channel capacity is in sats)
  • - APIs > GetTransactionDetails: Get all the details of a transaction from its ID
  • - APIs > GetTransactionStatus: Get the status of a transaction from its ID
  • - APIs > GetAddressInformation: Get information about a Bitcoin address
  • - Bitfinex market data. > GetBTCUSDPrice: Gets the latest BTC price (BTCUSD 1-day VWAP)
  • - File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • - Tell me about Bitcoin's advantages.
  • - Explain Austrian economics.
  • - How does Bitcoin compare to other cryptocurrencies?
  • - Why is privacy important in finance?
  • - What's the recommended fee rate?
  • - What's the price of Bitcoin in USD today?